Be Ye Strong!

by Dr Norman Vincent Peale
(Pawling, NY, USA)

I believe the faithful following of these five rules will revolutionize the life of any person.

First: Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. The person who is afraid cuts himself off from the flow of power; but when you venture boldly, there comes a flow of power in response.

Second: Deny adverse conditions. Don't go around saying or thinking: "Conditions are against me." Face facts, but realize it often happens that a person is defeated not so much by the facts of a situation as by his negative interpretation of the facts. In every problem, there is an inherent good. Believe That!

Third: Picture good outcomes. By envisioning good things, you actually bring good influences into play; both within yourself and in the world around you.

Fourth: Pray for every person you meet with by name, that he or she may benefit from the dealings you have with him or her.

Fifth: Practice Christian love toward everybody.

-By Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (R.I.P.) You may support Dr. Peale's message of "Positive Thinking" by donating to the organization listed below.
***Adapted from "POSITIVE THINKING for Every Day of the Year". Published by Peale Center for Christian Living; the Outreach Division of Guideposts, 66 E Main St., Pawling, NY (USA) 12564-1409***

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