Citizenry & Executive-Governmental Solutions to Health Care Reform

by Jeff Doctor, Candidate, North Carolina's 9th District
(Charlotte, NC USA)

Jeff Doctor, Candidate, North Carolina's 9th District

Jeff Doctor, Candidate, North Carolina's 9th District

Reforming the health care system has been one of the focuses of the nation’s attention over the past few months. I believe fundamental reform of our health care system is needed to control health care costs, increase quality and value, and improve access to coverage and care.

Comprehensive health care reform must be deficit-neutral. Additionally, I am supportive of health care reform that allows the citizens of the 9th District to keep their current health care provider or choose a provider all while maintaining competition within the marketplace.

Coming from a small business background, I believe that insurance needs to be affordable for small business owners and their employees. The cost for small businesses and even the average American has become unmanageable. We need to focus on reform that lowers health care costs and covers all Americans.

Access to primary care providers that focus on preventive care is essential for all Americans and will lower unnecessary and costly emergency room visits.

With the ability to schedule routine physicals and see a doctor at the first sign of a problem, the rate of those choosing emergency care as their primary form of health care would be lowered. Emergency room visits are expensive and are a contributing factor to the high cost of health insurance.

Finding the funding for this massive reform to our health care system has also been a challenge for our nation’s lawmakers. As Congressman for the 9th District, I would oppose any health care bill if there is a lack of a credible financing mechanism for the reform.

Publisher's Note: Jeff Doctor is a Candidate for (US) State of North Carolina's 9th Congressional District. He may be reached via

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