How do I Write a Resume

Right now you're asking yourself: how do I write a resume for a new job? Burnt Out at Work? Want to find your new passion? Are you having trouble getting excited to go to work every day? Do you not get along with your coworkers? Are you underemployed or not working in your field of choice? 

Whether we are looking for new passion in your professional life or a simple thirst for more money, we need to consider resume writing services or to employ a resume writer for a customized presentation.

Many of you may desire to cut through the noise and seek out a do-it-yourself  how do I write a resume on my own. Other than studying and researching professional resume writing or how to make a resume for a job via the perhaps, you can find your new passion at

When I began my own walk down the change my work life situation path, I had to ask myself two magic questions. First, it was the what do I want to do or become (check out my radio podcast show episode, Job Search ain't no Walk in the Park!). Second, I asked how do I write a resume for a new career.

Fast forward: I created this website to help myself and others. I'm not suggesting that you create a resume website, yet getting the resume out of the way is a must prior to moving forward. Also, don't forget about the constant resume tweaking and tweaking and tweaking and...

I thought about the various types of resumes (i.e. chronological, functional, etc.) as well as the genre of the industry I wished to pursue (federal versus private industry resumes). Although I am a resume website publisher, I too have sought out resume writing services -a  resume writer - professional resume writing workshops --you name it!

To psych myself, I reinforced the idea that Industry-specific information can also help employers with open positions to find the best fit for their companies. There is likely an employer out there looking for someone with my qualifications, professional experience and education that has the ideal position for me! 

This goes back to original premise: how do I write a resume on my own for the Dream Job?

The service at allows you to quickly upload your personal information, education level and work history, creating a professional resume so that employers can find you with a quick and easy search. Using the key words they're looking for in an employee can help them find you as a potential hire who's ready and willing to put their best foot forward.

LiveResume makes the process as easy as possible, allowing you to quickly and easily download a Word or PDF file of a professional resume. The site saves you even more time and effort in trying to find your next position by submitting your information to hundreds of online job posting sites. You'll also avoid getting into trouble at work, since using LiveResume doesn't require hours upon hours of poring over open position descriptions.

Generate your resume in minutes -

Perhaps you're trying to relocate to the city of your dreams, or want to completely change fields in your career. LiveResume is the perfect place to get your name noticed and start exploring possibilities for your next major move.

So don't delay - if you're ready to take the next step in your career and meet your potential in the field of YOUR choice, visit LiveResume now and create your free account for easy exposure to thousands of employers. The process of finding a new, enjoyable position has never been easier!

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