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eResumes4Vips Career & Life eZine
February 20, 2010
Dear Friends,

You Can't Always
Get What You Want!

One of my MasterMind Mentors, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (R.I.P.) published many of his sermons under the heading of 'Positive Thinking.' One of his most popular books was entitled Positive Thinking for Every Day of the Year. I read it every day. Here's an except of his thoughts as applicable to February 13th...

God's Wisdom

Dr. Peale, after reading Esther 6:11, wrote this...
God in His wisdom isn't going to give you and me everything we want, because He knows ehat we need. I am reminded of Rabindranath Tagore, the great Indian mystic and poet, who said, "I have often been saved by God's hard refusals."

Not getting something you greatly desire isn't pleasant. It can be painful. It can be very bitter. But sometimes the greatest thing that ever happens to us is when God says, "No. I want it another way."


Infantile people complain and say that God is cruel or that there is no God. Mature people, however, know that there is wisdom and sometimes an eternal kindness in God's refusals.

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Always, in closing, my motto is..."The Possibilities are Endless!" Bottom-line: Choose to Be Positive versus Negative. It's a CHOICE, People. ~With Love, Andre (aka eResumes4Vips).

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