Building a Successful Business on The Internet

by Andre V. Milteer, M.A.
(Texas, USA)

Andre V. Milteer, Publisher

Andre V. Milteer, Publisher

Building a Successful Business

on The Internet.

-The 4-Step Process to Achieving

Sure-Fire Success On The Web!

99% of all Internet businesses Fail! Many see the Internet as the Key to the Vault. Easy-In; Easy-Out. In fact, Too Easy?on both ends.

To build an Internet business, One must employ many of the same principles and methods as required for a successful brick and mortar business. Hence, the 4-Step Process NECESSARY for Internet business success.

Introducing C-T-P-M

The acronym, C-T-P-M, is the essential ingredient for the 4-Step Internet business building process. Simply, Content, Traffic, Presell, and (finally) Monetization. Yes, the entire Internet business building success comes down to CTPM.

Content is the life-blood of your Internet business. Content is the firewood on your marshmellow-roasting fire. Content isn't the icing on the cake...It IS the Cake.

Internet visitors search for answers to their question. Internet visitors search for information; researching and scanning for literally millions of data-specific material per minute. What are they searching for? Content, Content, Content. Your Website, will be the supplier of the Internet public's thirst for information.

Building Trust and Relationships

Your visitors will visit your site; they will refer you to other like-minded persons via social media. Your content, because of its richness and originality, will catapult your site into higher and higher, and higher rankings with the major search engines. As a result, your site builds relationships and fosters trust. As with Brick and Mortar businesses, once customers (visitors) began to trust you, then began to like you. Once they like you, the next step is...

TRAFFIC! TRAFFIC! TRAFFIC! Your website will attract more and more visitors. Search engines will voluntarily index your site. Your website name (URL) will move closer and closer to page one with Google and other search engines. Daily, weekly, and monthly, your traffic (visitors) will increase. More Traffic equals more Eyeballs on your website. This all part of business. Ok, Ok. I hear you. "Show Me the Money!"


Now is when our website begins to percolate. In the Internet world, it is said, "Your Site Gets the Click!" Mouse-click, that is. Visitors will click on your advertisements and services.

Monetization is like walking a tightrope without a safety net. Violate any of the aforementioned C-T-P principles, and Monetization goes Bye-Bye! As with Brick and Mortar businesses, customers vote with their feet; by shopping elsewhere. And so it is with an Internet business. Visitors will Click-Away.

Returning full circle, it's important to review. C=content; T-traffic (visitors); P=presell (trust & relationships); and lastly, M=monetization. Monetization will not happen without C-T-P; No monetization translates into No Money! And as we all know, No Money equals No Business.

The key to successful Internet business building is CTPM.

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