Career Change Requires Losing the Fear

by Meg Montford, Executive Career Coach
(Kansas City, MO, USA)

Meg Montford, Executive Career Coach

Meg Montford, Executive Career Coach

Career change isn't easy.
•First, you must want it very much.
•Second, you must make it your top priority.
•Third, you must be willing to take a risk or two to make it happen.

The perception today is that workers have "dramatically lowered their career and retirement aspirations." Workers Perceive Little Opportunity, Wall Street Journal, 3/16/2010

Whoa - not so fast! As a career coach, I encounter people every day who want to change careers, hope to change careers, and actually do change careers. But there are some who let fear paralyze them from actually changing careers.

People haven't "given up looking for higher pay or better positions" (despite what a recent Towers Waters HR survey claims per WSJ), but they are acting cautiously and discreetly - the same as employed workers have always behaved.

"Employees are overwhelmed and under appreciated" is my quote in today's WSJ article. And, yes, I do believe workers are tolerating "more work discomfort." But why is that? Is it in "gratitude for even having a job" or is it perhaps because they're afraid of being terminated if their true feelings were to be exposed?

I would be out of business if people weren't exploring career changes, as would other career coaches who specialize in helping people find new career paths. Instead, just this year I have helped a financial expert discover his passion for counseling college students, a field sales professional choose his retirement career in lawn and garden retail, and many more.

These individuals didn't let recession fears, workplace fears, or even identity fears stop them from discovering how to work their passion. They chose hope over fear. They chose self-reliance...

While fear can become crippling, hope is more powerful. As long as people have hope, they will be able to overcome whatever obstacles are thrown into their career paths.

P.S. And let's not forget the role media plays in people's responses to surveys. My advice? Don't let your attitudes and actions become shaped by the media. Get into your own zone! Really, you CAN make it happen.

Find this article interesting? Then please visit my blog for my frequent commentary and career advice. Sign up on the blog site to receive email notices whenever my blog, Chaos, is updated. Wishing you much career success in 2010!
Meg Montford, Executive Career Coach, has helped thousands conquer career challenges to make radical career changes and achieve their career goals.

Interested in how to define your career goals and making a plan for achieving them? Contact us for a complimentary career evaluation. Visit our website to take the self-evaluation to test your level of life and career satisfaction. Also take the self-assessment to see if you are a good candidate for career coaching!

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