Today is God's beautiful day

by George
(Goa, India)

Born in a village in South India,second child of seven to my parents, completed my matriculation and then joined my Dad (who was in the army at his station headquarters in North India). In the year 1965, he moved on to join my maternal uncle in Pune,and then joined the ordinance factory in Pune as an apprentice.

Starting from my matriculation period,some good guy has inspired me to read good books instead of novels, I had a curiousity about books, even though I didn't have the money to buy the books. I got some money in hand as stipend from the apprenticeship job and then began to purchase books (especially the self-improvement ones). The first book that I purchased was 'Banish your Blues'.

Even though I did not know the meaning of banish and blues, I thought it was a good book...and perhaps the cover was more impressive than the title. The price was affordable for my pocket at that time.

Suffice it to say that this book turned my thoughts in to a good direction,as it was encouraging positive thoughts and it taught me to think in the right way,at least for a start. Now after one year in Pune, I moved to Nagpur for further training.

I've had 2 years of hostel life, where I had the opportunity to read a lot of good and bad books. Bad books in the sense that some were novels, but it some how helped me to improve my language skill.

Around this time, I got my hands on a book my Gandhiji 'the key to health' and this made a deep impression on me. The sense that we have to take a good care of our health in a natural way, as Gandhiji was a great lover of naturopathy.

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